In this episode, Robert chats with Chris Dodsworth (Professor, Spring Hill College) about what it's like to teach at a Catholic college (spoiler: it's good!) and on the doctrine of the Atonement. We focus in particular on why Christians care about the Atonement, why the doctrine is baffling, how to make it less baffling, and why attempts to make it less baffling might not work.
0:00:00 Introductions
0:01:25 Small Talk
0:04:07 What it’s like to teach at a Jesuit college
0:11:53 How Catholic is Spring Hill College?
0:16:32 The atheists at Spring Hill are mostly friendly (in the technical sense)
0:23:10 Chris’s research project: the Atonement, how does it work??
0:31:31Why is the Atonement the central Christian doctrine?
0:38:45 Why the Atonement is so weird
0:44:00 Atonement: At-One-Ment or paying off debts?
0:50:00 William Lane Craig’s penal substitution view of the Atonement
1:03:40 Chris attacks Craig’s view while Rob tries to (sort of) defend Craig
1:12:45 Why retain the doctrine of the Atonement?
In this episode of Everyday Philosophers, Robert Gressis (California State University, Northridge) interviews Yvonne Chui (US Naval War College) about what it's like to...
David Dick (of the University of Calgary) and Robert Gressis talk about the differences between American and Canadian universities (as usual, the Canadians use...
Rob Gressis (professor of philosophy at California State University, Northridge) talks with Alberto Mendoza-Larreynaga (adjunct professor of philosophy at Antelope Valley College) about what...